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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Owensboro, KY

location-map Owensboro, KY | (270) 255 5387

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My goal is to provide counseling services through unconditional acceptance and listening no matter what my client is needing/ wanting to be seen for. I strive to have a trustworthy relationship and open communication with my clients. I will see children as young as 2, however young ages also requires work with the parent as well as the child. I am trained in the Nurturing Parenting Program, as well as working with children and adults on mental health and behavioral health. I'm here if clients just want someone to confine in, or if they are looking to improve their mental health.

location-map Owensboro, KY | (270) 213 6372

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Jamie Kyzer LCSW is a licensed therapist in Kentucky specializing in mood management and behavior modification counseling as well as helping those with trauma.

location-map Owensboro, KY | (270) 216 5164

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Passionate LCSW dedicated to making a positive impact on individuals and communities. With a strong background in mental health, I empower clients to navigate life's challenges, providing support and guidance. I also offer Christian Counseling. Experienced in therapy, advocacy, and program development, I'm committed to fostering well-being and social change. Let's connect and collaborate to create a life your wanting to achieve.

location-map Owensboro, KY | (859) 904 5421

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I am queer identified and love helping the QUEER community find authenticity, have better relationships, and aim higher in life. I've helped hundreds of people build better lives, and I’ve done the work for myself. I bring my education, expertise, and life experience to our sessions. You won’t have to justify or explain your right to be you. I combine Queer Theory with evidence-based practices in a way that celebrates where you are now and nudges you toward your potential. Clients use our time together to rethink core beliefs and values, find new direction, and tap into forward momentum. You can use your “out of network” benefits to offset the cost of sessions with me. Be sure to contact your insurance provider prior to your first session and visit my website for answers to their commonly asked questions.