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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Shreveport, LA
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Shreveport, LA | (318) 414 5815
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Are you feeling overwhelmed? Life, as we have known it is gone! Are you feeling anxious about the future, finances, your health, and the people you love? Will it ever be normal again? Has depression set in because of the isolation? Is it difficult to maintain relationships with social distancing practices? Are you afraid for love ones whose health is already compromised? Have you begun to see you child go through changes and difficulties due to the “new normal”? Will things ever be the same again and what will the "new normal" look like? Is sleep more difficult because of the thoughts racing through our minds? So many questions I am passionate about helping people heal and grow in mind, body, and spirit. I am trained in marriage and family therapy, behavioral issues, trauma recovery, and spiritual issues. I work with couples, individuals, or families struggling with anxiety, depression, anger management, or relational conflict. If your goal is to increase your level of awareness and have more control over your life, then working together in a collaborative way will help provide you with the tools that you need to live a more joyful and balanced life. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Shreveport, LA | (318) 414 5477
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My ideal client is a person who wants to learn and work towards being a healthier version of themselves. The client's needs can include but are not limited to stronger communication skills, coping skills, healthier relationships, and stress management. The client's goals would include finding equilibrium and building the skills they need to support them throughout everyday life. My specialties include work with trauma, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, stress management, and parenting. I offer a safe place that is non-biased and non-judgemental. One that offers growth, empathy, and compassion. I want to help guide clients on a path of overall improved mental health.
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