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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Agawam, MA

location-map Agawam, MA | (413) 340 5084

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There's nothing I enjoy more than helping people move forward in life. "Moving forward" takes on different definitions as we proceed through life, but the bottom line is that everyone gets "stuck" at times. Maybe it's a dead end job, or the boyfriend/girlfriend that hasn't stepped up, or maybe it's more than that. Maybe you don't feel the happiness that you once did and you want it back. Whatever "it" is, it is my privilege as a therapist to help you figure it all out. It is my experience that a person-centered approach (treatment is based on YOUR individual needs and who you are), can lead to life-changing results. In addition to providing therapeutic support for a variety of people at different points in their lives, I have also offered clinical consultation to traumatic brain injury survivors, their families, and caregivers, for over 15 years. You can read more about this portion of my work on my website: Therapy is a great way to take back your life, to start living with intention. It is time for you to control your life and how you feel, not the other way around. I wish you the best in finding the right therapist and please consider me a resource on your journey.