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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 3 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Billerica, MA

location-map Billerica, MA | (781) 257 4652

Current Waitlist Only

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From 0 Reviews

Everyone faces stressors and challenges in their daily life. In the world today anxiety, depression, stress, trauma, and addiction are common issues. Engaging in therapy is a way for a person to start to take back control of their life. Starting therapy is taking a deep dive into issues that are negatively impacting a person's life and figuring out realistic plans forward. I'm available to help guide people to their identified mental health goals. I use a strength-based eclectic approach to provide therapy. My goal is help my clients to gain more insight into themselves and learn how to manage their mental health. Thank you for taking the first steps to address your mental health. I'm open exclusively during evening hours and weekends. I'm accepting new clients at this time.

location-map Billerica, MA | (508) 469 4618

Accepting New Clients

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Immediate Openings! Everyone experiences difficulties in their lives and finds ways to "get through it." Getting through it is only one step in the journey. You want to move past life's hardships. I know that difficulties come in all shapes and sizes, from broken hearts or unexpected losses of people or jobs, to life threatening emergencies or rape. I often see that people who "get through it" or "white knuckle it" are struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, and unsatisfying relationships. I will help you build resilience, identify and manage triggers, learn coping skills, develop your comfort with trusting others, especially in close relationships, as well as learn healthy communication techniques and develop healthy boundaries with others. I know therapy is not a “one size fits all” treatment and I am ready to meet you where you are. I use a collaborative approach, focused on your strengths, to help you feel empowered, heard and validated.

location-map Billerica, MA | (978) 627 7473

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

I have openings! My goal as your therapist is to help you reduce your anxiety, stress, or depression. I see my role as a guide; someone to nudge you when you are feeling stuck, listen when you feel overwhelmed, and encourage you to seek new ways of tackling your difficulties. I truly enjoy working with tweens, teens and adults who are beginning their journey toward wellness. I understand that things feel very difficult and at times are an unrelenting struggle. I believe that learning new strategies, developing insight and determination, and increasing your belief in yourself, living a more rewarding and contented life is possible. I am aware of how stressful life has become and strongly believe in mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and self-care as essential tools to help heal and take care of self. I offer an unbiased, open, empathetic, and attentive ear to listen to one’s needs, desires, issues, and conflicts. Together we will highlight your strengths, allowing them to flourish. I truly believe there is no set path in life. Every individual has a different way of exploring who they are and what they desire. From the first moment we meet and connect, I am aware you are like no one else. I am honored and humbled by those who allow me to support them on their journey