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Today is December 21, 2024

We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Cambridge, MA

location-map Cambridge, MA | (508) 290 7588

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

When Life Happens, Give Therapy a Try...Are you overwhelmed or stressed or dealing with difficult people or complicated situations? Do you need help focusing on what you can control or change? I can help by supporting you in identifying those first steps of difficult decision-making and positive changes. I have a realistic/non-judgmental approach and offer practical suggestions for mental wellness and recovery. I use evidence-based therapeutic interventions to address a wide range of presented problems, issues, and concerns. I specialize in Corporate Burn Out, Anxiety, Depression, Stressors from Parenting and Work. View 7 Photos Today is another opportunity to create a new beginning by giving therapy a try. All of us at times can benefit from having a listening ear, empathy, and guidance. I will provide you with a non-judgmental and safe environment to discuss your concerns and establish healthy patterns of coping. Each client is unique! After getting to know your struggles, hardships, behavioral and mental challenges, I will work with you on understanding therapeutic modalities and decide which one will be most fitting given your needs. I see therapy as a team effort. Together we can focus on change. Now accepting clients in Maine, CT, NC and MA.

location-map Cambridge, MA | (984) 484 6644

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I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist with 20 years of experience. Work experience include State and Federal Agencies. I am licensed in MA, NC, and CT. My expertise is in providing psycho therapy for clients with Anxiety, Depression, Work/Family Conflicts, Career Coaching and Military/Veterans.

Licence Information:

LF60529993 | North Carolina