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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Chicopee, MA

location-map Chicopee, MA | (413) 216 2696

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The alarm rings. Before you’re fully awake, you’re already filled with worry. The thoughts racing at you are out of your control. You’re overwhelmed! Your gut clenches as you try to brace yourself with enough coffee to face the day, but the dread is there to stay. It’s all you can do to get through each hour. Your fingernails are bitten down to the bone, and you catch yourself snapping at people. No one understands. They haven’t lived your life. You’ve lived with this anxiety for so long that you’ve stopped believing it will ever get better. Still, you long for a peaceful life and want to get past these painful memories. View 10 Photos Trauma resides in the body, not in the event. By utilizing a body-centered approach, we’ll calm your nervous system and eliminate the anxious thoughts at their source. You’ll develop ways to resource a sense of calm and safety that can be accessed at any time. Your new balanced nervous system will feed the life that you crave. It’s yours for the taking! By allowing yourself the time and space to reconnect with your body, you’ll become empowered and better able to navigate the world. Cultivate resilience from within, so you can face both your past and present with grace. A whole new experience is waiting for you. Call now for your free 15-Min consultation.