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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dedham, MA

location-map Dedham, MA | (781) 355 9053

Current Waitlist Only

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From 0 Reviews

GENNEW therapists have openings that are filling quickly. Visiting the website is the absolute quickest way to schedule with me or others from GENNEW. I have worked with a wide range of clients experiencing: post-incarceration, grief, anxiety, familial conflict, and personal clarity. So long as the person I treat wants to work towards changing the issue we can help in guiding towards that outcome. We practice with multiple modalities. Diversity is the key to the practice so that clients can experience progress and growth. Offering services that account for the individual rather than just the problem. Rapport building and trust are key factors in getting services the GENNEW way. I am always open to helping others through multiple counseling modalities. I believe that listening is the key and then setting the goal should be next. If you have an issue then speaking to me about it will definitely be well worth your time. All of the therapists of GENNEW are approachable. Please contact through phone or email and make the first step.

location-map Dedham, MA | (617) 379 6476

Accepting New Clients

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People seek out therapy for a variety of reasons. For some, it’s to find ways to manage the worry of a cancer diagnosis or other acute/chronic illness. For others, it’s to help cope with the grief of losing someone they love. Some are looking for support around depression and anxiety. Others hope to explore strategies to manage the daily stress they experience - at home and/or at work. At times, we all need some extra support. Therapy can help. You’ll discover more about yourself and your strengths, better understand your relationships and build tools and strategies to help you navigate the challenges in your life. My experience in healthcare may be particularly helpful if you are coping with a new/chronic health condition; or if you are a healthcare provider struggling in these difficult times. My counseling style is interactive, compassionate and supportive; integrating mindfulness and other stress-management strategies with a focus on wellness and skill-building. I have had the great privilege of partnering with people as they face personal challenges and professional concerns. I am proud that clients value my authenticity, warmth and humor. Whatever challenge you are facing – health concerns, grief and loss, life transitions, stress management – know that therapy can help. I look forward to hearing from you.