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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Dracut, MA

location-map Dracut, MA | (978) 696 8679

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

Women constantly struggle trying to meet the demands of society. Whether married or single, child-free or have a full household, it feels like a never-ending list of “to-dos”. Waking up to a flurry of thoughts, running moment to moment attempting to be present in your life while constantly jumping to the next thing … it’s a race of survival at times. How is it that all the other women around you seem like they’ve got it together? Well, they don’t. Chaos doesn’t have to be painful. Stress doesn’t have to be all consuming. Imagine waking up and pausing to take a breath before jumping into your day. Feeling organized, calm and prepared for what the day will bring. Being engaged in your relationships. Therapy should be an opportunity to learn to better manage your emotions and life stressors without feeling like you’re “too much”. Let’s talk – email is the best way to reach me. Please note: All sessions are conducted via telehealth.

location-map Dracut, MA | (351) 300 0618

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

It is normal to struggle at times throughout your life, but can be difficult to ask for help with these struggles. This is why I consider my work as a counselor a privilege, striving to treat each client with dignity, respect and humor. In my 15 years of work as a counselor, I have found most people have the strength and creativity to meet their needs and recover. Counseling is simply seeking guidance from another to gain hope and uncover this resiliency. I enjoy working with individuals to support their growth and change in a variety of areas - stabilizing mood, managing anxiety, resolving interpersonal conflict, improving communication, addressing career concerns, finding comfort around issues of sex and sexuality, and recovering from substance abuse. I look forward to working with you. I am part of the Dracut Counseling Professionals, LLC group. I look forward to working with you. PLEASE EMAIL ME FOR FASTEST RESPONSE.