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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kingston, MA

location-map Kingston, MA | (816) 795 2583

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You would never let your child or yourself undergo surgery without an x-ray, so why would you ever start medications or therapy without testing? Our practice helps thousands of Massachusetts children, teens, and adults who have tried a myriad of therapies and medications with little to no success, so far. Our mission is to provide hope again in what seems like a failing mental health care system. We also accept every major insurance payer to ensure that all people can get access to affordable quality psychological testing. We have a three part process, which includes; 1) the intake appointment 2) testing day (4-6 hours) and 3) the feedback session. The result is a comprehensive 25-30 page report identifying the unique dynamics maintaining symptoms as well as a tailored treatment plan. We accept all major insurance plans. Our current wait list for testing intakes is around 6 weeks, and the entire process (listed above) can take around 4-5 months from start to finish. We do have some limited availability with our therapists after testing is provided, but we are primarily a testing vs therapy practice.