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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lakeville, MA

location-map Lakeville, MA | (781) 277 3300

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Therapy is an act of strength, hope, and resiliency. Even the happiest and most well-adjusted people may encounter problems resulting from unexpected life challenges and demands. My goal is to work in collaboration and partnership with my clients to bring about positive changes, growth, and healing from past painful events. I have 15 years of clinical experience as a psychotherapist. I received both my Master's degree and Continued Advanced Graduate Study Degree in Counseling Psychology from Cambridge College. I am also certified as a cognitive behavioral therapist from Boston University School of Social Work. View 3 Photos My clinical experience includes working with individuals through the life span. A large emphasis has been working with a diverse community. I am a bilingual and bicultural therapist offering cultural competent treatment to clients. I embrace an eclectic approach to different treatment modalities to promote mental health wellness and growth. I provide a strength base holistic approach to behavioral healthcare and health coaching that is affordable, accessible, and results-oriented. I specialize in anxiety disorder, depressive/mood disorders, addiction, anger, trauma, LGBTQ concerns, and cultural issues. I also provide couples therapy inclusive of (polyamorous, traditional and non-traditional).