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Today is March 31, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Longmeadow, MA

location-map Longmeadow, MA | (413) 477 5570

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I am a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in comprehensive psychological and neuropsychological evaluation. Most referrals reflect concerns around life-long problems as well as recent changes in functioning that concern friends and family. Most of the time, patients and their families/supports are looking for empathy and clarification around real-world problems. This in-depth clarification allows for real-world treatment recommendations that can make a difference. Lengths are taken to minimize time in office. These include telephone and video interviews as well as electronically submitted forms and fact sheets. Providing comprehensive, client centered psychological and neuropsychological evaluations for adults with a variety of presenting life problems. Typical evaluations include: attention/executive problems, chronic life problems and/or psychiatric disorders and ASD. In addition to assessments, I also provide outpatient psychotherapy. Serving both CT and MA. Methods are empirically driven and represent best practice in the clinical field. All recommendations and conclusions are presented in a supportive and listener centered manner. Most evaluations occur over one or two sessions of 3-4 hours not including an initial diagnostic interview. See my website: