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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Melrose, MA

location-map Melrose, MA | (919) 372 0670

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Average Rating
From 0 Reviews Availability 10am to 4pm. Through an approachable, engaging style which brings humor, compassion and an unrelenting belief that things can get better, I strive to help clients develop effective patterns of thought and skills in order to achieve greater success and satisfaction in their lives and relationships. With the shift to telehealth, rather than coming to my office, I’m now invited into your homes as well as your lives. I strive to create a welcoming supportive therapeutic space in our virtual sessions. I show up as fully human: authentic, imperfect and always comfortable in jeans and sneakers. The therapy model from which I primarily work is CBT or eclectic, incorporating elements of other models, e.g. systems-orientation, play therapy, behavior modification, and positive psychology. I emphasize trouble-shooting strategies, self-compassion, kindness to self & others, natural supports, healthy relationships, gratitude and experiences of happiness. As a trauma specialist, I have cultivated a compassion and broad understanding of experiences & the biological responses that inform our mental-emotional well-being. I often share the latest research/study findings on any given particular issue. My personal background provides me with a unique perspective and a commitment to cultural humility and allyship.