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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Methuen, MA

location-map Methuen, MA | (883) 355 8109

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We don't always have control over the events in our lives , but we can choose how we will handle them. Together we can navigate this process and seek a pathway toward healing. My approach is client centered and solution focused, based on the needs & goals of each individual client. I aim to support you through your journey. Together we will create a comfortable space to allow you to explore your feelings on a deeper level, as I believe you are the expert of your own experience. My goal is for you to feel heard, supported, and at ease. I offer individual therapy using a holistic and eclectic approach, combining Acceptance & Commitment therapy along with CBT and ERP. I believe in collaborating with my clients to find solutions that will work for them and to promote their healing. I strive to establish a warm and trusting relationship where you will feel comfortable and supported. Contemplating therapy is a courageous first step and I admire your decision to seek help. I will help you normalize your experiences through self-compassion and acceptance by providing a safe and comfortable space to begin the process of self-discovery and healing. I am honored to being able to support you through your journey to peace and healing.