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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Nantucket, MA
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Nantucket , MA | (508) 214 4542
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I offer weekly sessions and three day intensives (on Nantucket or I can travel to you ) I provide the framework of a safe and trusting therapy relationship, individuals gain the understanding and skills needed to make changes toward a more fulfilling life. I use CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), EMDR, internal family systems along with other behavioral interventions to help clients reach their goal. My clients have described me as warm, open, easy to talk with and respectful. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have. I am an EMDR trained therapist, versed in the use of EMDR with trauma, affect management, addictions and installation work. I enjoy working with clients from a broad range of ethnic, international, professional and cultural backgrounds. My clients include adults, adolescence and couples. Lia is a skilled, caring and insightful therapist who provides treatment for depression, anxiety, trauma and addictions. Her holistic approach offers people solution-focused methods to: Through the use of effective methods such as mindfulness therapy, Lia's practice supports the integrity and ability of individuals to heal and sustain health, balance and inner peace.
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