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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Natick, MA

location-map Natick, MA | (085) 072 2191

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Finding the right play therapist can make all the difference. I invite you to read on and decide whether you are ready to take that next step and call. I feel passionately about helping parents and young children (0-8 years old) to build strong relationships by learning and growing together. The relationships formed in the early years of life are very important and create the the foundation for social-emotional growth. Play Therapy is a way of being with and helping a child that honors and supports their developmental level through speaking their language, play. I am skilled at helping young children express their feelings, develop problem-solving skills and feel empowered to change their behaviors. Through our work, I can support your parenting journey by helping you to understand your child in a new light and identify strategies to make lasting change. I have extensive knowledge and experience working with infants, preschoolers and young children and their families in a variety of settings including Early Intervention, Head Start, outpatient clinics and therapeutic child care programs. I am a Registered Play Therapist - Supervisor. I keep myself informed of the latest research and treatment modalities.

location-map Natick, MA | (508) 714 7385

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I help older teens and adults overcome mood, stress, and work/life issues to build a positive and resilient identity and a more satisfying life. My clients may be struggling with stressful situations at home or at work, or in finding balance between the two. I am especially passionate about vocational therapy, which explores the relationship between mental health and work, and may include issues such as a career change, loss of employment, workplace trauma, or fathers finding a balance between work and family. I assist people with reducing depression, anxiety, or other mood issues, and managing personal or professional stress. We may work through more active strategies, collaboration with other providers, or through honest feedback and coaching. In my vocational work, I help people build a satisfying work life as an important part of overall wellness. The therapeutic relationship is one of hope and mutual trust, in which we discover a new path together. If my services seem like a good fit for your needs, please reach out and either I or our intake department will be in touch to discuss further.