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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Peabody, MA

location-map Peabody, MA | (339) 219 5309

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Embrace emerged from the desire that two mental health counselors had to offer more comprehensive care to people. They had their own private practice and worked on the mental health sector for years. They had a unique vision to better serve their community and decided to join forces to serve more people than they were able to on their own. In response to this call, they stepped out in faith to leave their private practice and community jobs to form Embrace Pathways to Wellness. All of our staff are selected because they believe in our vision and promote our mission and values. View 13 Photos Couples therapy, Family and group therapy, Groups for education and support, Help in connecting to available resources in the community, One-on-one counseling or mentoring as needed, Telehealth Embrace works to bring health and restoration to people. Serving the surrounding cities of Boston, we provide help with emotional, relational and spiritual issues. Embrace staff members are bilingual, which allows us to serve in both the English and Portuguese languages.

location-map Peabody, MA | (781) 650 9503

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Through the integrative approach to wellness amazing goals can be achieved. As a wellness professional with a Master's in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, a Certified Personal Trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine/NASM), and a Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM), I have centered my individualized, collaborative program around gaining clarity on habits and evolving the fitness and mindset of my clients. My theoretical orientation is rooted in Solution Focused Brief Interventions and Wellness Habits. Being mindful of stressors and how your perspective of them. My approach uses active listening to explore multicultural and strengths-based values to distinguish your strengths and solutions further. I want to support you at whatever point you are at, thoroughly examine your unique experiences, and identify strengths, personal values, and needs while developing rapport and a partnership to assist you in your wellness journey.