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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Salem, MA

location-map Salem, MA | (978) 306 4290

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Accepting new clients! Are you feeling like nothing is working? Tired of talk therapy? Done looping through the same patterns and limiting beliefs of "I am a burden/I am unworthy" leading to shame, guilt, depression and anxiety? By combining psychotherapy& Attachment Focused EMDR with energy medicine (EFT, Reiki, yoga/mindfulness),I can help you overcome these old ways of being while creating space for more joy and fulfillment. I offer a safe space to explore your phobias, fears, concerns and goals, while encouraging curiosity around your experience and to help build a life of deeper meaning and sense of connection. As a holistic therapist and through an intuitive and integrative approach, I will help you tap into the wisdom of your own body's communication system while creating a sacred space for understanding why these symptoms might appear. I work with teens and adults experiencing anxiety, self esteem issues, depression, codependency, grief, PTSD and other trauma. It takes courage to seek help and I want you to know that you are not alone. As someone who has traversed through the darkest moments of my own internal and emotional pain and experienced significant transformation, I am here to support you. I invite you to work with me to positively shift your patterns and tap into your full potential.