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Today is March 28, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Waban, MA

location-map Waban, MA | (781) 678 8943

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Are you struggling with anxiety? Do you notice holding yourself back and not going for what you want and what matters to you? Are you limiting yourself to what feels safe and letting opportunities pass you by? Are you more inhibited and more self-judgmental and less balanced, so that experiencing joy is a rare occasion? Do you want to make a change so you can cope better with whatever is giving you anxiety and feel more balanced, active, and courageous but you're not sure how to do that? Are you sick of hearing other people telling you to "just do it"? - You're not alone and there is a way to move forward. Feeling well is possible. Working together in a non-judgmental and supportive environment, you'll be able to locate your own inherent wise mind, adapt new coping skills, incorporate self compassion, and define your values so you may calibrate your path to a more resilient you. We'll work to assess your needs, set goals for your treatment, and take real and active steps forward. Asking for help is an act of courage. If you are considering doing so, please reach out. I work with teens, young adults, and adults facing anxiety in its many different forms, using evidence based treatment modalities. My mission is to help you cope better and achieve more of what you want in your life. Check out my website for more details.