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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wakefield, MA

location-map Wakefield, MA | (339) 219 5304

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Hello, and thank you for visiting my page! If you are here, you are taking the first step in your journey of acceptance, self-love, and learning strategies to cope with any uncomfortable emotions or life difficulties. You are strong and capable, but you are struggling right now to recognize all your many strengths and abilities. We will work together to heal and find tools that will help you cope in the present moment and prepare you for the future. I have experience working with a variety of individuals with a wide range of mental health struggles, or individuals simply needing a safe space to express their thoughts and feelings. I take a non-judgmental, mindful, and empathetic approach in my sessions. I am passionate about building a strong therapeutic alliance with my clients and working collaboratively with you to help reach your goals. You are unique and individual, and your treatment will reflect that. There comes a time when help is needed to cope with many of life’s challenges, and it shows great strength to ask for help. Thank you for your consideration and please reach out to me if you have any questions!