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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Weston, MA

location-map Weston, MA | (508) 206 9782

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If you're anxious, depressed or stressed out and you’re repeating problematic thoughts or behaviors, I can probably help. Living with painful feeling is often as difficult as living with a physical illness. But I have great news - there is hope! What do you do when you have a physical illness? Go to the doctor. What do you do if you have a cavity? Go to the dentist. If you're suffering psychologically, seek relief and find a good mental health professional. Depression, anxiety, and high levels of stress require help. Working together we can find the strength and confidence to face these challenges and move toward a better future. My counseling sessions are designed to help clients develop life changing habits to better manage various challenges. People of all ages are living happier, healthier, more productive lives through the use of evidenced-based therapeutic tools shared in our therapy sessions. We will address your specific needs and work at a pace that is comfortable for you. I'm out of network with most insurances. However, if you have an out of network plan, it is likely that most or all of the session cost will be reimbursed if you have met your out of network deductible. If you have questions about your plan, please call and I will gladly provide you with coverage information. (MA Lic 123009).