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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Bowie, MD

location-map Bowie, MD | (443) 234 9088

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Discover Your Path to Self-Discovery and Empowerment with Charonne Randall or one of her team members. Are you ready to become the best version of yourself and unleash your true potential? Look no further! We are a Christian and holistic practice, offering counseling, coaching, and group facilitation services. Together, let's embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment that destroys feeling stuck and challenges anxiety, depression, grief/loss, relationship conflict, childhood wounds and life transitions. Together we can make this the best season of your life! CUY, LLC specialize in guiding clients through anxiety, depression, grief/loss, relationship conflicts, and other life transitions. No matter what season you are in, their is an opportunity to discover something unique about you. With a holistic approach, we journey together through a mind, body, and spirit approach to foster healing and growth. Let us will walk with you from the beginning where you may have feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to cope to a brand new mindset of freedom. You can look forward to a supportive environment and our effort to foster a trusting atmosphere to begin your healing journey. Visit our website or send me an email to get started with services.

location-map Bowie, MD | (301) 835 2352

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My ideal client is someone who makes that phone call to ask for help and is ready to begin clarifying goals to improve some aspect of their life. Issues that they may be facing include self-esteem issues, depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, lack of coping and communication skills, family dynamics, grief, etc. The most important thing for me to do to help my clients with all their needs is to provide a safe environment, build rapport with them by making them feel comfortable, and assisting them in prioritizing what they want to work on. I meet my clients where they are and provide a nonjudgmental, safe space to identify goals, discuss vulnerable topics and learn how to cope with their symptoms. I work with adolescents and adults suffering from depression, anxiety and grief. The types of therapies I use are cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic and strengths-based approach.

location-map Bowie, MD | (443) 407 8978

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I work best with clients ready to make a change but haven't yet figured out the best course of action. My agency name, Inertia Counseling, is founded on the notion that if we are stuck emotionally, we tend to stay stuck emotionally unless we make a conscious effort to change. Like Newton's Law of Inertia, once we start our process of changing how we think and act, that change gathers momentum and we can really change our lives for the better. Get moving... Stay moving... Change your life! I am a relational therapist which means that I believe we are hard-wired for connection to others. I believe we seek out growth-fostering relationships with others with whom we can experience mutual empathy, empowerment, and authenticity. Disconnection hurts, and yet sometimes strategically disconnecting can prepare us for healthier connections yet to come. Some issues are bigger than what we can safely handle on our own. Seeking help from a qualified therapist can be the best decision you can make for yourself or your loved one. I tell people that I love therapy because it's the one place where you can say whatever you want without hurting anyone, and you get to be the most important person in the room. :-)

location-map Bowie, MD | (410) 469 6496

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I am the Owner and Compliance Officer at MPB Group Inc - an outpatient mental health clinic in Columbia and Laurel, MD. At this unprecedented time in history, we want to continue to support those in the community in the safest manner. We have a robust telemedicine program whereby clients can engage in therapy and psychiatric services via our HIPAA-compliant online portal. We specialize in the treatment of those with histories of trauma, abuse/neglect. Please check out our website for more information. Call us at 410-730-2385 to make an appointment. The relationship that's established between therapist and client is of vital importance. We take time to ensure there's a good match between the two so that a feeling of trust and safety can arise. We empower the individual by teaching coping mechanisms to deal with life's challenges. We have a diverse, vibrant team of multicultural clinicians dedicated to the success of their clients.