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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Eldersburg, MD
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Eldersburg, MD | (240) 679 5725
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Do people say how great your life is and how great you are, but as you smile and nod you know that deep down you’re consumed with anxiety, fear of failure, imposter syndrome, or self-doubt? Are your nights plagued obsessing about the next day, recounting all the “silly” things you said or did, or reliving all your regrets? Does the possibility of making mistakes scare the hell out of you and keep you stuck? And, have you ever felt confident when you’re alone and believe you can conquer the world, but once you’re around other people, your adult self suddenly becomes an awkward teenager? Life is too short to live in a constant state of worry. It’s also too short to hold yourself back because of what others may think. Just know that you are capable of healing, growing, understanding, and mending the relationship you have with yourself, because you deserve to be your best, most authentic self. My approach is collaborative and it’s about working as a team. We'll walk side by side in this together. Therapy isn’t always easy. It takes some work, and at times some intense emotions may arise, but know that you have the strength and courage to pull yourself out of the muck. As a first step, I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation.
Eldersburg, MD | (443) 294 8984
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Are you struggling to manage the stressors of every day life? Finding it difficult to adjust to new changes in your life? Are you and your partner having trouble connecting or communicating needs to each other? Is your family finding it hard to function as a unit? Have you experienced a traumatic event that you have not been able to talk about or work through? I understand these things can be difficult to face alone, and reaching out to a therapist is a great place to begin working through life's obstacles. I am passionate about helping individuals, couples, and families improve communication, strengthen connections (with self and others), heal from past traumas, and learn new healthier ways of being. I aim to create a safe space where individuals are able to share openly and honestly. Together, we will begin exploring the parts of you that need healing. If you feel we might be a good fit, I am happy to help.
Eldersburg, MD | (410) 648 4083
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***ACCEPTING NEW CLIENTS*** Are you avoiding spending time with friends and family? Are you feeling misunderstood in your relationships? Do you feel like an imposter at work or school? Are you ready to heal from trauma? Do you feel lost, helpless, hopeless, or “just over it”? These are feelings associated with anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress and/or relationship issues, but there’s help available in order for you to take control of your life. You can heal and be the YOU you’ve dreamed of or know you are. I specialize in working with depression, anxiety, communication/relationship issues, & trauma. I’ll help you find ways to make life changes allowing you to live the life you deserve. Together we will find what works for you and what no longer serves it’s purpose in your life; we can build your self esteem & strengthen your relationships. Making the decision to seek out a therapist can be intimidating and your first session may cause you some anxiety. I realize this and honor building a relationship at your pace. If you want to start slow sharing your story I'm ok with that. We can also hit the ground running by discussing your biggest concerns right away. This is your time!
Eldersburg, MD | (410) 220 6019
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The Journey Begins Here... I have found, for my patients and myself, that life is a series of adjustments. Some adjustments are small, smooth and easy, and we may even feel grateful for the new direction on our path. Some of these adjustments are overwhelming. They knock us to our knees, and we feel we may never get up again. Most are somewhere in between.... Whatever challenges bring you to seek counsel, rest assured there is help to adjust and navigate the road ahead. Services: I provide individual psychotherapy using telemedicine services (HIPAA Compliant videoconferencing) for adults of all ages. My specialty area is grief and loss. I also address additional issues including: Anxiety, Bereavement, Spirituality, Life Transitions, Military Families, Relationship Issues, Stress Reduction, Cancer/Medical Treatment
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