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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Greenbelt, MD

location-map Greenbelt, MD | (240) 393 4624

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Let's figure this out together. I believe that psychotherapy is a space where you can access your most authentic self and unapologetically be you. As a psychologist, I create a safe space and the connection needed to activate the pathways to healing. I invite you to stay present with your emotions and strengthen your self-compassion regardless of the challenges you are facing. The LGBTQIA+ community is affirmed at my practice. E-mail contact is preferred: *I am an out of network provider.* I use a variety of therapeutic techniques including psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral therapy. I also incorporate evidence-based mindfulness therapy into both my individual and couples treatment. For those clients who wish to, I add a five to ten minute mindfulness meditation for those seeking to improve their attention, mood and overall wellbeing. Finally, I encourage new parents, early, mid and late career professionals and those struggling with grief to learn how to manage your struggles with the mindfulness-based approach that I provide. As my practice is just a few steps from the UMD shuttle, I encourage staff, college and graduate students to engage in therapy at my practice.