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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hydes, MD

location-map Hydes, MD | (410) 498 8856

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It’s not natural to live in a perpetual state of discontent and anxiety. Yet, this seems to be your experience lately. Your life feels incompatible with the way you dream about feeling in your wildest heart. Many days are spent going through the motions, bobbing along the surface hoping you don’t get pulled under. On these days you wonder if your vision of the life you’ve dreamed is merely a mirage in the desert…but you don’t believe so- something tells you there’s more. You have found success by many standards, yet you feel blocked from accessing more joy, ease, contentment, and embodiment of the things you picture yourself to be. I offer a unique combination of methods and modalities to help you access your full potential and FEEL better. My toolkit as your guide includes Somatic Experiencing, Equine Assisted therapy and coaching, nature informed therapy, attachment and relational healing, mindfulness, and parts work (IFS). In our work together, my hope is to empower you to heal patterns in that hold you back from the relationships you desire and the purpose filled life you've imagined from yourself. Together we will honor and heal what keeps you stuck, and expand your ability to feel joy, purpose, connection, and presence. I look forward to speaking with you!