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Today is December 21, 2024
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Marriottsville, MD
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Marriottsville, MD | (410) 487 9477
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Does it feel like your life is just not working for you? Fear, worry, and shame can paralyze your mind and stifle creativity. You want to make changes but are unsure where to start. Whether working with individuals, couples, or a family, I want to know you and understand how we can improve your life in a safe and supportive environment. Together, we will explore and untangle the origins of the emotions you experience about your life. Our process will begin gently, and each new insight will help us move ahead at a stride that feels right for you. I specialize in trauma, personality, and anxiety-related disorders. However, I have experience treating depression, generalized anxiety, relationship issues, self-esteem, women's issues, maternal mental health, and addiction. I am EMDR trained and use cognitive-behavioral (CBT), CPT, DBT, psychodynamic, trauma-focused, and person-centered therapy. Together, we can discover the sources of your struggles and find a path to realize your ultimate goals. I have in-person appointments and telehealth spots available. Contact me, and let's start your journey today.
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