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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Odenton, MD
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What Do You Want? Safety, Happiness, Strength and Connection. Your traumatizing childhood created self-doubt in your ability to accomplish the love everyone deserves and control your life and emotions. Do things always just seem out of reach for you? Are you anxiously wanting/waiting for something or someone but find yourself consistently alone? Let me listen to your story: 1. Examine your defense mechanisms to survival 2. Help you reclaim lost feelings of safety, trust and worthlessness you lost as a child. 3. To gain authentic love and acceptance of your true self. I work with clients that know the trauma and worked on it once before but still have trust issues, accepting/receiving love, feeling broken, insignificant or unworthy of their deepest desires. We can resolve the impact of childhood trauma by identifying what feeling emotionally safe means to you, in love, love of others and your decisions. I counsel for change with a calm presence and understanding. My goal is to find solutions by investigating and challenging the beliefs of yourself & the issue. My Agreement is always to bring about change when you stand up to the change you desperately seek. You are not broken! 1. Email or Call Me Today 2. Schedule. 3. Be ready for change, finally.
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