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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Reisterstown, MD

location-map Reisterstown, MD | (240) 679 5725

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Do people say how great your life is and how great you are, but as you smile and nod you know that deep down you’re consumed with anxiety, fear of failure, imposter syndrome, or self-doubt? Are your nights plagued obsessing about the next day, recounting all the “silly” things you said or did, or reliving all your regrets? Does the possibility of making mistakes scare the hell out of you and keep you stuck? And, have you ever felt confident when you’re alone and believe you can conquer the world, but once you’re around other people, your adult self suddenly becomes an awkward teenager? Life is too short to live in a constant state of worry. It’s also too short to hold yourself back because of what others may think. Just know that you are capable of healing, growing, understanding, and mending the relationship you have with yourself, because you deserve to be your best, most authentic self. My approach is collaborative and it’s about working as a team. We'll walk side by side in this together. Therapy isn’t always easy. It takes some work, and at times some intense emotions may arise, but know that you have the strength and courage to pull yourself out of the muck. As a first step, I offer a free 15-minute phone consultation.