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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Farmingdale, ME

location-map Farmingdale, ME | (207) 742 2835

Accepting New Clients

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Welcome & Hello! I have a passion for helping people find themselves, appreciate their worth, and validate their experiences. My goal is to provide a space for you to feel safe, accepted and heard, while we work together to build a better future. My approach to therapy is rooted in empathy, curiosity, and compassion. By combining my passion for helping others and my curiosity about how the mind works, I offer my clients the best possible care. Together we will identify patterns of behavior that are no longer serving their purpose in your life and replace them with healthier patterns. I use a mix of humanistic, person centered therapy along with attachment theory and CBT & DBT. Therapy is effective when tailored to you and your mental health needs. Our most important tool is the relationship I establish with you, so I prioritize establishing a relationship with new clients. Finding a therapist can be overwhelming, and I would love to assist you in any way I can. My role as a therapist is a privilege, and I welcome the opportunity to take the journey with you. Reach out for a free 15min consult call!