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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Kittery, ME

location-map Kittery, ME | (207) 994 5358

Accepting New Clients

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Life can have a way of tossing us around and undermining our sense of self and belonging. The focus of my practice is people who have ADD/ADHD or symptoms related to ADD/ADHD such as weak Executive Function which can lead to Anxiety and related Depression. These challenges can leave us feeling unmoored, uncertain, unhappy and unfulfilled often struggling to find our way. I offer ADHD Coaching to older Teens, Young Adults and Adults as well as parental support regardless of geographical location. My therapeutic practice is limited to MA, NH and ME. The working environment is one of trust and safety to discover a deeper self-knowing. I have a clinical therapy licenses in ME, NH and MA and am a certified ADHD Coach. Life issues that arise can include, anxiety, depression, low self esteem, isolation, anger management, coping skills, career concerns, relationship issues, parenting, and effective communication skills. For more information My professional approach uses a combination of respect, kindness, trust, creativity, mindfulness, self awareness, and humor. I have worked with clients since 2004 in various aspects of cognitive and learning differences. Together with my clients we work through personal struggles and challenges. We can meet in my Kittery office or via video conference call.

location-map Kittery, ME | (603) 509 3094

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I enjoy working with individuals to enhance their feelings of self-confidence and self-empowerment to achieve their life goals. I appreciate working with couples to improve their communication with one another and help them to regain a foundation of affection and friendship. I offer family therapy to assist families in identifying their areas of conflict and family dynamics to improve their communication and cohesiveness as a family. I enjoy working with adolescents and adults to explore their life direction, increase their motivation to achieve goals, including academic goals, and to make positive decisions. I specialize in working with all ages in overcoming life challenges and gaining increased insight into their relationships with others, life decisions, and their personal strengths. I employ effective treatment approaches, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and mindfulness techniques, to assist you in getting 'un-stuck' and realize your personal potential. As a licensed clinical social worker and former Outward Bound instructor, I have appreciated assisting individuals to face challenges with increased self-confidence and determination. I have supported individuals struggling with anxiety, depression, and stress gain the necessary skills to accomplish their goals. I offer empathic listening, understanding and humor.