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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Orono, ME

location-map Orono, ME | (207) 477 7404

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I specialize in working with older adolescents, young adults through adult who are struggling with behavioral/emotional/or cognitive symptoms related to anxiety and trauma especially developmental trauma. Developmental trauma unlike an intense event, happens through our developmental growth period it is how we learned to see ourselves, sense our own innate human value and how we interacted with the world. This may show up in your life as perfectionism, difficulty doing boundaries or being assertive, difficulty with self care etc. I utilize experiential neuroscience and trauma interventions to help identify and break through barriers I am a very active therapist. I enjoy working with people to identify not only the issue but also your innate strengths and amplify those. Therapy sessions with me are interactive, there is a mixture of learning, laughing and crying as well as skill building. I have been utilizing polyvagal theory as a foundation and have people experiencing success quickly I know getting to the point you're ready to ask for help can be overwhelming and it is difficult to choose the right therapist and the right intervention. I will work with you to develop a strong working relationship to support you and your needs. Please note I am only billing Cigna and Anthem; all other insurances will be self paid with a SuperBill .