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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Parsonsfield, ME

location-map Parsonsfield, ME | (207) 900 2584

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My practice is unusual in that I recognize that the dominant social paradigm in the United States expects a person to be 'well adjusted', even in the face of cultural, social, and political forces that tend to militate against wellness. I work well with adults and adolescents whose experience is that they just don't seem to fit the mold. I recognize the value in every person, and believe that freedom and contentment are available to all who seek them. Being human is hard, and the path through adversity, pain, and even suffering CAN be found and navigated. I am, at heart, a pragmatist. If what you want and need is help working through a specific problem, I am well-versed in Cognitive Behavioral and Brief Solution-Focused approaches. If you are ready for a more thorough examination of your inner life, I am also a big fan of existential approaches to psychotherapy. Stoic philosophy is also an interest. Raised in Maine, I went to college in Vermont, served in the US Army as a combat medic briefly, and moved to New Mexico for graduate school where I lived for 23 years. My family returned to Maine in 2021 where I serve with the local volunteer fire department and as an EMT. Licensed in both NM and ME, I provide telemedicine and phone sessions to clients.