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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Saco, ME

location-map Saco, ME | (207) 263 0910

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Openings available for Individuals. Welcome. With warmth, clarity and compassion, I offer help to people suffering from "Wounds of the Heart and Mind": Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, neglect and relationship issues, in both groups and individual. With many years experience in both traditional and mind/body approaches, I integrate Relational Attachment work, Buddhist psychology, Childhood Trauma healing groups and energy medicine practices . I believe that along with real pain and suffering, everyone has a potential healthy Self; often obscured or undeveloped. We can build, hold and nurture that together. I believe in therapy where you feel heard, understood and can learn tools and methods to heal and resolve your problems and feel better! I use a mindful, compassionate, interactive approach to help establish safe internal relationships with all inner parts, creating change. I believe that, given the right tools, people can truly heal. My work is creative, original and practical. I have a strong leaning toward and belief in the healing of Childhood Trauma. For 30 years I have blended a unique mix of many "tools" for each individual's healing. Together, we become a team creating the condition for your happiness. See New Groups.