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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Scarborough, ME

location-map Scarborough, ME | (207) 808 0428

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You can expect a supportive and comfortable atmosphere in which to heal and grow when you and/or your partner, or your child or teen meet with me for therapy. Therapy is a way to try out new ideas and get to know yourself better. I offer encouragement, feedback, and a fresh perspective as we work together to help you live a happier, more satisfying life. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Play therapy, Solution-Focused, Interpersonal, supportive, Positive Psychology, and Couples therapy are the approaches I primarily use to guide you to a better future. Life throws us curveballs all the time; I believe you can overcome these and I would love to help you do this. Feel not only less sad or anxious, but better. Function better, learn skills, gain understanding, and build positive experiences through well researched techniques, such as CBT. In addition to therapy and counseling, I love the outdoors and am excited to offer the option of meeting in person outside for therapy in the Portland and Scarborough areas, with telehealth as a backup when the weather does not cooperate. Please ask me about therapy outdoors and check out my website for more information!

location-map Scarborough, ME | (503) 300 2980

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I am client-centered, creative, and interested in a holistic approach to therapy. I work to support individuals coping with: depression, anxiety, women's issues, trauma, and relational issues. I am connected to issues faced by the LGBTQ community. As a mother and an artist, I enjoy working with other creatives and parents. I offer traditional talk therapy, and 'walk & talk' therapy in Portland, Oregon. To learn more about the way I work please visit I believe in nature as co-therapist, and try to get outside with clients when possible. You get to design your life, I am happy to help with the process. View 3 Photos I offer walk and talk therapy to clients in Portland, OR. This is traditional talk therapy taken outside. A few places I walk: Mt. Tabor, Wilshire Park, Columbia Park, Luuwit View Park. I am more than happy to meet you at a favorite walking spot on the East Side. I also offer telehealth to clients in both Oregon and Maine. Have questions? Reach out! It's difficult to stay connected to our own needs in such a fast paced, tech driven culture. I will help to slow down the thought process and identify areas for growth. The body holds wisdom; developing the skill to tune in to the body's messages is infinitely healing. Using art, nature, and movement can help to channel emotion in the most positive ways.