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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Springvale, ME

location-map Springvale, ME | (207) 218 0517

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I believe in the power of the human spirit to overcome adversity and survive trauma. I also believe in the importance of the therapist client relationship in the therapy process. When client’s feel safe, heard, and supported they are able to tap into their own strengths and find the courage to examine and address the issues in their life. I use a strengths-based approach that helps clients identify and utilize their own strengths to resolve whatever issues their struggling with. Combining client strengths with evidence-based therapy gives clients the tools they need to overcome their challenges. I use an integrative approach to help clients heal from trauma. I utilize DBT to help clients build coping skills to manage life stressors and in preparation for trauma work. I integrate EMDR, IFS, and Somatic therapy approaches in my work with clients. The approach used depends on the client's current needs and emotional state.