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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Waterville, ME

location-map Waterville, ME | (207) 209 1626

Accepting New Clients

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Blue Sky Counseling is a comprehensive and compassionate addiction treatment center in Maine. Due to COVID-19 and more services being offered via the internet all you need to become a new client is a phone number, email address and access to the internet. This allows us to be able to see clients through out the state of Maine and reduces the barrier for clients to receive treatment. Our goal is to empower you to overcome your addiction and re-engage in a meaningful life. Our team of professional care takers are here to guide you through the process and make sure you receive all the support you need. Call Us at 207-616-0705 option 2 We treat individuals struggling with substance use disorders. We address opioid use disorder through MAT (Suboxone) to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. All in combination with individual and group counseling. We are a group of compassionate, non-judgmental professionals dedicated to helping Mainers overcome addiction and live productive lives. After your initial phone call you will meet with a counselor (in person, over the internet or via phone) who will complete your assessment and together you will develop a treatment plan. You will then meet with a provider (in person, over the internet or via phone) who will assess your medical need for medication (Suboxone). Don't wait. 207-649-3190 option 2

location-map Waterville, ME | (656) 196 2333

Accepting New Clients

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In person and telehealth counseling is available to adults, teens and children seeking individual or family therapy in a respectful, safe, and supportive environment. We want to work with you to understand your goals and help you develop plans and skills to achieve your goals that utilize your strengths. Our clinicians provide a broad spectrum of quality, evidence-based care . We help you resolve life stressors such as relationship issues, grief and loss, the effects of trauma, problems at home, school or work, behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, attachment, anger issues, and other mental health challenges. View 4 Photos Our team has expertise in working with a broad range of mental health issues and life stressors including trauma, grief and loss, parent-child relationship problems, attachment, relationship issues, challenges at home and employment, LGBTQ issues, substance use, domestic violence, intellectual disabilities, and physical disabilities to name a few. Making the decision to seek counseling is difficult. Finding a therapist you feel comfortable with is one of the most important factors to achieving your goals. We usually have mixed feelings about making changes. Learning new skills and patterns can be as much of a challenge as it can be rewarding. Thank you for inviting us into your journey.