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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 1 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Charlevoix, MI
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Charlevoix , MI | (231) 486 5434
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I am a Licensed Professional Counseling located in the State of Michigan and have over a decade of experience providing individual and couples counseling. My specific areas of clinical experience include depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, borderline personality disorder, trauma, PTSD, substance-abuse disorders and addiction, issues related to dysfunctional family systems, as well as working with victims of domestic violence and abuse. I am a Certified Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) therapist, a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Individual (CCTSI), and a National Certified Counselor™ (NCC®). I am a military-informed clinician and trained in military specific culture and treatments that focus on the needs of the military population and military-connected families.
6401223068 | Michigan
Charlevoix , MI | (231) 335 3616
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Help for Emotional, Behavioral and Relationship Problems. Not accepting new clients until after January 3, 2024. You may register and schedule at my website immediately. Serving adults, children age 9 and over, couples and families, from my private practice located halfway between Charlevoix and Petoskey. I currently provide a choice of in-person or teletherapy. I utilize an integrative blend of therapy orientations, tailoring treatment to each individual's needs. You are unique. Your therapy should be, too. View 12 Photos I work successfully with a wide range of issues and circumstances. A subspecialty is divorce or separation issues -- adjusting to change and loss, learning to co-parent effectively, supporting children, and preparing for stepfamily dynamics. I am well-trained and highly experienced, having worked as a helping professional for over thirty years, since 1987 as a psychotherapist. Most importantly, I am sincerely invested in making a positive difference in your life. You may check my website at for more information or to immediately register and make an appointment .
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