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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Freeland, MI

location-map Freeland, MI | (989) 342 2614

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Our main focus is working with individuals with anxiety, depression, and trauma; especially trauma that is associated with medical first responders (Fire, Police, EMS) and hospital personnel services. Before becoming a therapist, I worked in different professions and experienced a variety of life’s experiences. I’ve struggled and overcome. I’ve faced adversity and I’ve accomplished dreams. I've been there, as the saying goes, and I don't judge others for going through the same. I am an accepting and open minded individual. I'm also human, just like you. I know what it feels like to struggle; but I also know what it's like to overcome those struggles and I'd like to encourage and support you on your journey to do the same.

location-map Freeland, MI | (989) 999 8463

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Are you feeling anxious, depressed, or stressed? Are your relationships as strong as you would like them to be? Are you struggling with past trauma? Are you simply looking for someone to listen and care? At Your Time Behavioral & Mental Health LLC, we are dedicated to delivering compassionate and evidence-based care. We firmly believe that every person should have access to exceptional mental health services, devoid of any stigma or prejudice. We strive to establish a secure and nurturing environment where individuals, couples, and families can openly explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Our group has experience applying various therapeutic modalities, including cognitive-behavioral, solution-focused, and mindfulness-based therapies, we are equipped to tailor our approach to meet the unique needs of each client. We believe in the importance of evidence-based practices while also honoring each individual's values, culture, and preferences. Our counselors have Master’s degrees in Clinical Mental Health and Social Work and are licensed in the state of Michigan. Additionally, we bring over 25 years combined experience working in various mental health settings, including private practice, hospitals, and community clinics. We are here to help. It's your time... What's on your mind?(TM)