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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Hudsonville, MI

location-map Hudsonville, MI | (616) 439 2646

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Life can be bleak, challenging, and overwhelming at times. Life can also be joyful, life-giving, and hopeful. Holding tensions is a major facet of who we are as human beings. Often feeling in crisis on this journey, trying to balance our approach, and maintaining contradictions of brokenness and wholeness. My own journey has reflected much of this- in many ways I have suffered indescribable trauma; while in others I have experienced life altering joy. Each journey is incredibly unique and complex, and as human beings we have an innate desire to navigate our stories with the love, support, and friendship of others. I mostly come from the Psychoanalytic tradition, which places a heavy emphasis on the complexity of each individual’s mind, and how that complexity relates and connects to the individual’s story. We will work together to uncover all that exists in your unconscious mind, and reveal those areas of your life that need to be processed, and given congruence. Unconditional positive regard is a staple of the counseling profession; and one that I take very seriously. Your identity and your experiences are sacred and I can promise you that every facet of who you are and the vulnerability that you share will be treated with the utmost respect. Please don't hesitate to reach out and I would be honored to walk with you