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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lansing, MI
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I want to help you to break out of any negative patterns that interfere with your life. These patterns can be as simple as procrastinating at school, work or at home. They could be more serious, such as anxiety, problematic relationships or addictions. The focus of our work can be any pattern which makes it difficult for you to meet your responsibilities, which are painful or which cause you to miss the joy in life. I believe that you possess the innate qualities necessary to ease your suffering and to heal. Part of my job is to point out, develop, and reinforce your skills, values and characteristics. I want to help you experience deeper satisfaction from your life, to attain your goals, and to have more fulfilling relationships. The end goal is to help you thrive. If you are interested in a partnership to help you meet the challenges in your life or to learn how to deal with difficult emotions or to see how rewarding life can be, I'm interested in working with you.
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Do you feel overwhelmed with anxiety, frozen with worry, or lost in endless doomscrolling? Let me help you navigate a path forward. I specialize in issues of anxiety, family conflict and parenting for adolescents and adults ages 14 and up. My passion is helping you feel your best with an integrated approach to wellness that incorporates mind, body, and spirit, through psychotherapy, nutrition, movement, and spiritually-based mindfulness. I am state certified in TF-CBT, a specific way of making sense of trauma by integrating thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is the strongest evidence-based treatment to date for children ages 5 to 18. I use a variety of other approaches including solution-focused, humanistic, and DBT-informed. I understand that entering therapy can be daunting. It is difficult to feel vulnerable and ask for support. I prioritize building relationships based on understanding and trust where you can feel safe and empowered to heal and grow. Please contact me via call, text, or email. I look forward to working with you!
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