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Today is March 13, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lapeer, MI

location-map Lapeer, MI | (810) 277 9144

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Lapeer Christian Counseling offers services to children, teens and adults of all faiths. We believe that all people should have access to quality mental health care, regardless of income or insurance coverage. We now have 3 locations in Lapeer county: Lapeer, North Branch, and Imlay City. Whether you are a follower of Christ, don't believe at all, or are somewhere in between, our counselors will meet you where you are in your search for freedom from anxiety, depression, relationship issues, school/job stresses, etc. If you prefer not to discuss your spiritual beliefs in counseling, we respect that and will not make it a focus Lapeer Christian Counseling has male and female counselors who provide services to all ages. We address issues with mood, relationships, school/work issues, behavioral issues, grief, chronic pain, and chronic illness. You can send a confidential email through our website by clicking on the website button to the left and then clicking on the contact page. We look forward to hearing from you.