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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Northville, MI

location-map Northville, MI | (734) 274 4230

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From 0 Reviews

I will never forget that terrible feeling that engulfed me. I was 19 years old and struggling just to catch my breath. I couldn't focus on anything but the sheer panic. I was having my first panic attack. It was a trusted therapist who came to my rescue. My therapist turned out to be a lighthouse for me when I was lost. With compassionate guidance she helped me heal and rid myself of the anxiety and panic. I valued what she did so much that it became my goal to also be that lighthouse for others who are drowning. I have 20 years experience specializing in anxiety, panic, depression, PTSD, trauma, excessive shame/guilt, anger, and relationship issues. I utilize techniques such as cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, self compassion, and approach things through the psychodynamic perspective to help clients reach their unique goals. I take the time to listen, understand, and develop a safe and healing working environment. If you are struggling with your own issues and know it's time for a change, let my experience and expertise work for you.

location-map Northville, MI | (248) 764 5751

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I work with adults who want to understand why their lives are not going the way they want and who unsuccessfully have struggled to overcome their challenges on their own. I have 20 years of experience in independent clinical practice and have trained hundreds of individuals to become psychologists. Having a strong background in higher education and academia, I am familiar with the latest treatment advances and can tailor my work with you to best suit your individual needs. Chronic depression and unhappiness, Relationship difficulties, Personality development and individual functioning, Personality assessment and diagnosis, Compulsive sexual behavior, Sexuality, Addictive problems and processes, Borderline and Narcissistic personalities, Self-defeating patterns, Bereavement and loss, Adoption I am a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and American Psychological Association. My office serves individuals in Northville, Northville Twp., Novi, Plymouth, Canton, Livonia, though a number of people from southeast Michigan select me as their provider.