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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Ortonville, MI

location-map Ortonville, MI | (616) 201 1357

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Are you thriving or just surviving? What are the roadblocks that are keeping you from living the life you really want? Do you have past trauma, relationship difficulties, marital or family tensions, depression, or anxiety that are sapping the joy from your life? Do you feel like life is overwhelming and it is taking all your energy just to stay afloat? Are you having a hard time adjusting to change - both welcome and unwelcome? Wouldn't you like to find more joy, fulfillment, and THRIVING in your life... and less stress and barely SURVIVING? The good news is YOU CAN. I use an integrative, holistic approach. This means that I utilize a number of approaches to personalize therapy to your unique needs, while taking into account the whole, wonderfully complex person that you are - a person who has strengths, beliefs, dreams, friends, family, a past, a future, etc. You are uniquely YOU! You needn't be alone. Whether your journey takes you through an emotional jungle, a minefield of trauma, a desert of opportunity or meaningful relationships, or wherever else it may lead, I will be there as your guide and support. You are amazing... You are strong... You can do this. You may have just forgotten. Let's take that first step - together.