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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Trenton, MI

location-map Trenton, MI | (734) 876 8710

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Hi there! My name is Hannah Francisco. I am a Limited Licensed Professional Counselor and Licensed School Counselor. I currently work as a school counselor and have experience working with children, teens, adults and families from all and any background/ upbringing. Therapy is helpful in many ways. Healing is a learning process and will be set at your pace. Healing does not mean fixing but managing symptoms and eventually illuminating discomfort. My clients have the autonomy and freedom to find what that is for them. For children, play therapy can allow autonomy, independence but also confidence. I believe that working with children, teens, adults and families from all and any background/ upbringing. Therapy is helpful in many ways. Healing is a learning process and will be set at your pace. Healing does not mean fixing but managing symptoms and eventually eliminating discomfort. My clients have the autonomy and freedom to find what that is for them. For children, play therapy can allow autonomy, independence but also confidence. I believe that working with children requires collaboration and communication. believe therapy for all my clients can look different but together we can find that balance of peace, happiness and ultimately hope.