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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Woodhaven, MI

location-map Woodhaven, MI | (734) 890 5755

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I believe that every person has the ability to change and grow, & I think the best way to help someone grow is through therapy. I work with adults only (ages 18 & up) and focus on the clients needs as well as areas in which they want to grow and improve. I believe that with guidance it is possible to heal wounds created through the course of ones life. I have worked with many clients over the years who feel stuck and unsure how or what to do to feel better and get out of their "rut." If you're struggling to find meaning or if you feel as though your life is not how you imagined it would be, please email me to set up an appointment. View 4 Photos I specialize in working with anxiety, depression, domestic violence survivors, women's issues, self-esteem, coping, abuse and neglect survivors, chronic illness, high sensitivity, quarter life crisis, & sexual abuse survivors. I have also recently started working more with women with ADHD, especially those who received their diagnosis later in life. I have treated clients with a variety of autoimmune disorders. I have found that many individuals coping with an autoimmune disorder or chronic Illness experience anxiety, depression, fear, and grief. I believe I can help these individuals to cope and find a positive outlook in what can feel like a bleak situation. Please email to check availability.