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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Wyandotte, MI

location-map Wyandotte, MI | (248) 247 7957

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Do you struggle with making connections, feeling understood, or getting easily triggered in your relationships (personal, familial, work, etc.)? My goal is to create a comfortable, laid back, yet effective counseling atmosphere where we can unpack it all and get to the root of the problem... for long lasting change! I will never tell you what to do in your life - that is not my job. My job is to listen without judgement, provide insight as necessary, and to give you tools to reach the goals that you are setting for yourself. Your job is to simply come as your are, be vulnerable, and be eager for change. I primarily work with women who struggle with issues pertaining to anxiety, depression, self-acceptance, inner confidence, loneliness, codependency, attachment issues, trauma, and people-pleasing tendencies. By increasing self awareness, I will help you to understand patterns in yourself and your relationships so that you can implement the change you crave. I am here to be a support and a resource as you learn more about yourself, your mental health, and the world around you, and my hope is that we will even have a few laughs along the way. I will meet you wherever you're at in your journey, and we will navigate this together.