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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Faribault, MN
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Faribault , MN | (507) 800 4049
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My name is Rochelle Rheingans. I am a Licensed Practicing Clinical Counselor. I have been working in private practice for nine years now. I recently decided to establish my own office and do telehealth in order to be able to stay home and work, spend more time with family and avoid the long commute. I am a graduate of Minnesota State University Moorhead and Adler Graduate School. I have worked in one agency from graduation in 2012, until very recently. I have built a client-base from various folks from various walks of life. I enjoy working with people of varying diagnoses and life challenges. I have specific training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy. I use various interventions from psycho-education to mindfulness skills; communication skills to supportive reflection. I tend to be forthright and honest with clients. I am compassionate and use active listening skills to help clients gain new insight. This is a dance that we are doing together in order to learn steps from each other. The client can then use those steps to better his/her/their own life and I will go on to continue to teach the next person steps that work for them. I am here as an unbiased person to give guidance, support, and validation.
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