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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 4 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Lakeville, MN
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Lakeville, MN | (952) 213 4761
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Lakeville Behavioral Health offers comprehensive outpatient therapy services. We seek to help clients restore relationships, overcome life's difficulties and build fulfilling lives. We are happy to offer services to all ages and have many highly skilled and compassionate therapists that will meet you where you are at in your healing process.
Lakeville, MN | (952) 314 9000
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Seeking help from a therapist can be a difficult decision. Successful therapy is highly based on the client-therapist relationship as well as openness to change. I have a warm eclectic style that creates a trusting therapeutic environment. I work with children, adolescents, adults, couples and families to address unhealthy patterns that keep them stuck in emotional distress and unfulfilling relationships. I treat a variety of issues including trauma, abuse, depression, anxiety, spiritual and relationship issues. My therapy style integrates insight-focused, attachment and cognitive-behavioral therapies. I am trained in EMDR, psychoanalytic therapy, Sandplay therapy, mind-body therapy, and Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT). I bring 20+ years of experience working with clients of diverse cultures.
Lakeville, MN | (952) 522 3784
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No issue is too small for therapy, any change that improves our lives is a worthwhile one. I have a passion for helping people identify the skills they already have within them and creating new ways to cope with life's challenges. Using a collaborative approach you can improve, empower, and accept yourself! By learning to understand yourself on a deeper level and finding productive ways to manage anxiety, life transitions, self-doubt, and difficult emotions you will be able to feel more joy in your day-to-day experiences and confidence in yourself. I believe that progress begins with a positive therapeutic relationship and strive to create a safe and warm counseling environment. Seeking help can be a difficult thing, take a moment to give yourself credit for coming this far. If you or someone you love could benefit from meeting with a professional, please contact our office to schedule an intake at 952-435-0022. Intakes can typically be scheduled with 4-7 days.
Lakeville, MN | (952) 260 0144
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Hi Friend, Have you experienced anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and worse, the unsolvable question of WHY? Have you felt much emptiness, loneliness, irritation, and shame? Have you been confused by fears of being alone, but at the same time felt overwhelmed by the idea of being around people? WHY? - Or wonder if you even remember how to live without heavy feelings? I know because life experiences and traumas have taught me to understand others' suffering. Recent neuroscience has provided insight into how current or historical events influenced our minds and brain and shaped our worldviews and sense of feeling safe. This determines how well we do with our relationship with ourselves and others and provides a roadmap to healing. I began working in the medical field in 1992 at the St . Cloud Hospital for 13 years before leaving to work in community mental health. I worked in inpatient, outpatient, school-based, community mental health, and private practice. I work with individuals and couples; I am a father of 4, husband, athlete, and animal lover.
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