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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Maplewood, MN

location-map Maplewood, MN | (651) 349 6732

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Gao is a bilingual (English/Hmong) psychotherapist serving individuals suffering from trauma, SPMI, chemical dependency, depression, anxiety, and life transitions. Her professional experiences include 10+ years working with individuals in their home, consultation, inpatient care, crisis, and clinic/outpatient settings. She distills knowledge in county court systems via CPS and Civil Commitments: MI/CD/DD and Guardianship. She has seen the significance therapy has in providing individuals and families the opportunity to heal as self-identity blooms. Her commitment is to support you to become a better you. Gao’s approach is client-centered, integrative and holistic which allows clients and communities to achieve healing and harmony. She draws from various evidenced-based interventions including DBT, CBT, Advanced & Enhanced Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), Brainspotting, and psychoeducation to develop skills, insight and regulation of the nervous system. Gao believes that people come from all walks of life where challenges have created various experiences and perspectives, and sometimes support is needed to strive for increased resiliency. She provides a brave space that is characterized by compassion and focus for each person she serves.

location-map Maplewood, MN | (970) 436 5755

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A typical client at Deep Roots Behavioral Health has a need for multifaceted and individualized care. We strive for an environment that feels safe and free of judgment so client can explore their mental health and move towards contentment. We treat a wide range of concerns ranging from adjustment disorder to complex PTSD. I am trained in EMDR, DBT, IFS and perinatal mood disorder treatment. I am licensed in Minnesota and Colorado and use a telehealth platform. This allows clients through out these areas to access psychotherapy and healing from the comfort and safety of their own home. Please visit our website or reach out via email to assess if Deep Roots Behavioral Health is a good fit for you.