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Today is February 22, 2025

We have 0 Verified and 2 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Northfield, MN

location-map Northfield, MN | (715) 350 6771

Accepting New Clients

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From 0 Reviews

I have a deep passion for sitting with people during their darkest times to uncover their truths and strengths that lie within. We all need help along our journeys and it takes great courage to reach out. I see safety as key to healing and strive to provide that sense of safety to every client that I work with so that we are able to work towards solutions. Together, we will build more meaning, connection, intimacy, and hope in your life. I affirm the dignity, value, and worth of all clients and promote an atmosphere of openness, security, and respect. I have a master's degree in Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy. I am trained in Narrative Exposure Therapy, to support healing from traumatic stress. I have extensive experience helping people overcome addiction, substance use, trauma, eating disorders, and relationship issues. I look forward to speaking to you over the phone or via email to see how I assist you in deepening your connection with yourself and with those around you.

location-map Northfield, MN | (507) 338 6129

Accepting New Clients

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Are you a person currently contemplating personal change? Have you ever thought of therapy as a means towards personal growth or self discovery? I'd like to compassionately guide/support you toward actualizing your best self. I want to help you break out of the rut, to meet goals and to gain confidence and strength to conquer whatever obstacle is in your way. I prefer to emphasize and build on positive influences. I prefer to work in the realm of solutions, and I can help with deep, meaningful, personal shifts that lead to change. I help people address behavior/thinking that is causing impairment; be that at work, in meaningful relationships or daily life. The way out is often through, and when working with me in hypnotherapy you'll find we can do this by tapping into the power of your subconscious. Work in altered states, like hypnosis, can be deeply powerful and transformative. I feel a tremendous sense of gratitude toward clients who show vulnerability and allow me to be a part of their growth and healing. I am genuine in my approach and feel that the interpersonal connection between a therapist and client is important to the process. I hope you will contact me so that I may support you in your journey towards better health.