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Today is February 1, 2025
We have 0 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Shakopee, MN
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IN PERSON OR TELETHERAPY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE The times are changing and we all need resiliency to get through the current challenges. Stressors are at an all-time high level, leaving many people unprepared for the situations they are experiencing. Under stress, our behavior can fall back to our default settings that were shaped in our early childhood. These patterns may not serve us or our families well. Learning new skills can give us the tools to develop appropriate responses and forge new neuropathways that will enhance the way we connect with the people close to us. Happiness comes from secure connected relationships I am a Marriage and Family Therapist, Certified Nutrition Therapist as well as Certified Life Coach. I take a truly holistic approach to helping you feel your best and improve your relationships. I have training in many trauma-focused approaches including EMDR, PIT, DART, as well as a lot of couples’ work including RLT, PACT and EFT. Understanding the origin of self-defeating patterns is the first step to making the changes that will improve relationships with yourself and others. You can overcome low self-esteem, ineffective boundaries, problems with moderation and control as well improve relational skills. Take the first step toward a more peaceful life. I have immediate openings.
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